The IUFoST Rose Spiess Video Competition

As the global spotlight shines on the vital role of food science and technology in tackling pressing food-related challenges, the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) announces the commencement of its highly anticipated Video Competition. Launched in conjunction with the IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology, slated to be held in Rimini, Italy, this competition aims to spotlight the diverse narratives showcasing the impact of food science and technology across different regions, countries, and communities.


The competition invites entries from students over 18 years old worldwide. Entrants are encouraged to craft compelling videos emphasizing the central role of food science and technology in addressing various food-related issues, such as sustainability, nutrition enhancement, food waste reduction, and the integration of emerging technologies along the food chain.

With a focus on content, production value, and creativity, submissions will be evaluated by a distinguished panel of Food Science and Technology (FS&T) experts. The competition promises not only monetary rewards but also an invaluable platform for participants to showcase their innovative ideas and perspectives.

Aspiring contestants have until June 15, 2024, to submit their entries via online submission to the IUFoST. The grand prize winner stands to receive $1,500.00 (USD) along with the prestigious opportunity of a full screening during the IUFoST 2024 World Congress.

This competition stands as a testament to the collective efforts aimed at harnessing the power of food science and technology to pave the way for a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come. For more information on how to participate, visit the official IUFoST website.

To submit entries follow this link.

Deadline for Entries: June 15 2024