Guidelines of Professional Behaviour

HAVING REGARD TOa) evidence of public confusion on the safety, quality, wholesomeness and nutritional value of modern food supplies, b) public suspicion that the size and international character of many food systems may produce concentrations of economic and political power to the disadvantage of the consumer, c) the complex food problems of the developing countries and d) the need for authoritative and disinterested scientific information and advice where applicable to the consequent issues,


RECOGNIZING that as the international body for food science and technology the Union has a responsibility for establishing standards of professional practice for the guidance of its adhering bodies and ALSO RECOGNIZING that these bodies operate within diverse legal systems, the International Union of Food Science and Technology offers the following statement of principles of professional conduct:

In the practice of their professions, food scientists and technologists shall

  1. Act in accordance with the food-related legislation of their own countries, that of any trading partners and international legislation where this is relevant, including the provision of scientific input to the further development of such legislation in the public interest,
  2. Honour contractual obligations to their employers whether written or inferred from the laws or customs of their own countries,
  3. Respect the confidentiality of information gained in the course of professional activity,
  4. Uphold the traditional values of science and the standing and dignity of the profession of food science and technology,
  5. Assist in the maintenance of professional standards and the extension of their usefulness,
  6. Ensure the integrity of their professional publications whether through the medium of the spoken, written or printed word, or by radio or television broadcasts or by any other means,
  7. Avoid unethical exploitation of their professional status by endorsement of misleading or fraudulent advertising or product certification,
  8. Protect the public interest in the wholesomeness and safety of any food or drink with which they are concerned,
  9. Declare any conflict of interest while acting as consultants,
  10. Maintain professional competence by continuing awareness of relevant new information and developments,
  11. Respect the character and integrity of other members of the profession giving due recognition to the work of others without distortion or discrimination,
  12. Attend to the proper guidance and training of subordinates,
  13. Refuse any favours or gifts which might prejudice professional judgment nor offer such,
  14. Pursue by every ethical and practical means the improvement of public knowledge of the basic facts of food safety and sound nutrition.