University programmes in Food Science, Technology or Engineering seeking recognition and approval from IUFoST must complete this form to submit information on the programme under review. Please mark as applicable * Programme Assessment Renewal of Approval 1. About your Institution Brief description of University, College, and Department (or similar administrative structures), to develop a context in which the Food Science/Technology programme exists. Include total approximate numbers of students at the University and number of students by year in the program under review. Name of University/Institution * Name of the programme seeking recognition * Brief Description of the unit (i.e. Department or School) offering the programme * Total Student Population in the unit * How long has the programme been delivered? * Number of students in the programme under review Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2. Interaction of the programme with the society Brief description of the interaction of the programme with the local food industry, government, NGOs and other stakeholders Does the programme include industrial placement? Yes No Is the placement Required or Optional? Required Optional Is the placement assessed or not assessed? Assessed Not assessed What is the duration? Describe work experience opportunities open to students during placement Percentage students in full-time employment a year after graduation in the last 2 years List examples of key appointments (if any) held by programme graduates, say, 5 or 10 years after graduating 3. Incoming students Brief description of student entry requirements Education level of incoming students (Please state all core pre-university qualifications necessary) Describe the assessment process you have in place to screen incoming students. Describe the quality attributes you look out for in incoming students What is the acceptance rate of applicants in the last 5-10 years? 4. Desired outcome of the programme Brief description of the knowledge and skills imparted by the programme Describe the desired outcomes of the programme Describe the holistic student knowledge and skills development Describe the food safety content of the programme and expected outcomes Describe the Project/Dissertation work undertaken by students 5. The curriculum content A. Submit the following to show schedule of studies leading to the award of a degree as Annexure (Curriculum Content - Annex 1) in table form: 1. Year, 2. Course Title, 3. Semester (s), 4. Credits/Units (please explain how defined) 5. Laboratory/Classroom Studies (or Both) Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt avi mov mp3 bz2 gz rar tar zip. Upload B. Describe the assessments methods employed including number of attempts allowed and progression criteria (Please provide as an annex - Assessment - Annex 2) Upload Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx avi mov mp3 bz2 gz rar tar zip. Degree awarded Duration (Years) 6. Faculty Please supply information about faculty members delivering the programme as an annexure. Please include Name, highest qualification, length of experience, current position, specialism and courses taught (upload as Faculty - Annex 3) Upload Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx avi mov mp3 bz2 gz rar tar zip. 7. Facilities Briefly describe the facilities available in the academic unit/the Institution that offers the food science/technology programme for which approval is being sought. Please provide photographs/videos to facilitate remote assessment. (Please include pilot plant, microbiology labs, chemistry/analytical labs, and any other relevant facilities) Upload Files must be less than 8 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx avi mov mp3 bz2 gz rar tar zip. Add another file 8. Quality Assurance A. How frequently is the Programme Quality Assurance reviewed? B. Please submit the outcome of the most recent Quality Assurance review (Just the executive summary please) (QA Review - Annex 5) Upload Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx avi mov mp3 bz2 gz rar tar zip. 9. Programme Contact Representative Name Title E-mail Postal Address Submit