Nomination Criteria for 2026 Fellows


November 2024- The Academy Executive Council of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST) is issuing a call for nominations for the 2024 Elections of Fellows to the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST), recognised as the global Academy representing scientific excellence in the discipline of Food Science and Technology and related fields.

Nominations for each new roster of Fellows of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology are made by IAFoST Fellows, IUFoST Adhering Bodies, Regional Groups and Members of the IUFoST Board of Directors. Fellows elected to IAFoST are acknowledged by their peers as outstanding representatives of international food science and technology. The International Academy of Food Science and Technology collectively forms a pool of scientific expertise in food science and technology from which IUFoST draws non-aligned expert advice on scientific matters. Fellows serve as independent persons to work and promote high standards of ethics and scientific endeavors. They are at the forefront of IUFoST, helping to strengthen global food science and technology for humanity.

In this regard the Academy Executive Council is calling on IAFoST Fellows, IUFoST Adhering Bodies, Regional Groups, and the IUFoST Board to put forward nominations to consider and nominate outstanding scientists not just from their own country but from others that may be under-represented thus far in the Academy as “the membership of the Academy shall reflect, as much as possible, the global distribution by country, of eligible scientists”.

The Academy Executive Council asks too that the importance of leadership qualities of potential nominees be a high priority together with the importance of considering a body of work whether it is in industry or government or in other non-academic history.  The Academy benefits by being inclusive and celebrating outstanding scientific excellence from all walks of life – and it is important for Fellows to appreciate the importance of legacies and achievements beyond the more easily recognised area of traditional academic achievement on an international scale. Nominations may be put forward by:

  • Fellows of the International Academy
  • Adhering Bodies
  • IUFoST Board of Directors
  • IUFoST Regional Groups
  •  To be eligible for election as a Fellow, a person must be generally recognized as having established an outstanding reputation for scientific accomplishments and/or leadership in the area of food science and technology.
  • A maximum of 30 new Fellows per congress period may be elected by the International Academy. The elections take place prior to each World Congress. At the time of nomination, nominees must be active though not necessarily employed. The roster of Distinguished Fellows of the Academy is shown on the Academy Fellows page.
  • Before sending in the nomination forms, please ascertain that the nominee:
  1. Understands the requirements for Fellow.
  2. Will provide relevant cv information to you as nominator to enable completion of a nominator’s form.
  3. Understands that this is not a selection/rejection process by a jury, but a democratic election in which the voters are the existing Fellows; and
  4. Understands that if (as is very likely) worldwide nominations exceed 30, after elimination of those receiving “yes” votes from less that 2/3rds of voting Fellows, only the 30 receiving the highest number of votes will be elected. “Surprise” nominations made without the knowledge of the nominee will not be accepted. 
  5. Nominations of the same candidate, unsuccessful on a previous occasion, may be considered in a maximum of two Calls for Nomination.
  6. Only the Fellows of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology are eligible to cast a vote in the Fellows Elections.
  7. The nominations close on December 31, 2024The Ballot is distributed to all Fellows on January 12, 2025 and the election closes on February 15, 2025. The Academy Fellows Election results will be released on or before 25 February 2025. Lobbying for votes is not acceptable and could result in disqualification from the ballot.
  • In completing the forms, please be aware that scientific accomplishments could have been achieved in various fields and not just academic research; and that leadership could provide an alternative to scientific accomplishments and again may have been exercised in various contexts.
  • Nominations may be made by any eligible nominator (as above) and the nominations are not restricted to the country of the nominator.

The Deadline Date for 2024 Fellows Nominations is 31 December 2024.

2025 Fellows Nominations Form: