IUFoST Rose Spiess Video Competition


  • Announcement of Nomination & Guideline – December 2023


Food science and technology is a critical part of ensuring the health and wellbeing of people around the world and is essential to resolving food safety and sustainability challenges now and in the future. How that happens is unique to each country – even right down to communities within each country. The IUFoST Food Science and Technology Video Competition is your chance to tell the story of the positive impact of food science in your region, country and/or community.
This competition is part of the IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology (World Food Congress) taking place in Rimini, Italy.

Who can enter? 

Any student over 18. Note that more than one person can work on the video(s) and/or groups can enter, but only one prize will be awarded per video.
Your video(s) will be judged by a global panel of Food Science & Technology (FS&T) experts, so make sure that they focus on:

  • Content – your video should emphasize the central role of FS&T in improving food-related issues in your area, such as, but not limited to, increasing longevity, sustainability and alleviating hunger through better food choices or production; enhancing nutrition; cutting down on food waste and food losses; providing education to those who do not know the importance of the discipline to their general health and wellbeing; FS&T along the food chain; and the impact of emerging technology
  • Production value – high resolution images and sound are important to getting your message across, so make sure that your content is not undermined by poor production elements
  • Creativity - Your video could be a panorama of FS&T in action, a vignette, animation, a rap, original movie, poetry, or music. It can be black and white or colour. Have fun with it and let your imagination soar.


  • One (1) Grand Prize winner: $1,500.00, (USD) plus a full screening during the IUFoST 2024 World Congress and formal announcement of the winning entry.
  • Three (3) Finalists: $700 (USD) each
  • Five (5) Semi-finalists: $200 (USD) each

How do I enter the Competition? What’s the deadline?

Submit to IUFoST a link to your video by online submission and to complete the online form by 15 June 2024.

Team information

Academic Supervisor information

Video information


  • Note: YouTube videos will not be considered.
  • Video submissions should be produced in English. Videos not produced in English must include a captioned English translation or they will be disqualified.
  • Videos must not exceed ten minutes, including a 10-second full screen.
  • The 10-second full screen "Title Screen" must include the following in writing:
    • Name(s) of the individual or team members
    • University and/or School name
    • Programme name
    • Year of graduation
    • Country
    • One contact email (or phone) and postal address
    • Title of the video project
    • Videos must be submitted in one of the following formats:
      • .WebM files (Vp8 video codec; Vorbis Audio codec)
      • .MPEG4, 3GPP and MOV files (h264 and mpeg4 video codecs; AAC audio codec)
      • .AVI (MJPEG video codec; PCM audio)
      • .MPEGPS (MPEG2 video codec; MP2 audio)
      • .WMV

When will finalists and award winners be announced?

Contestants will be notified before public announcement of the winners. Winners will be publicly acknowledged during the IUFoST World Food Congress 2024: Rimini, Italy.