Abstract / Background
Safe, nutritious, and palatable food that is available, accessible, and affordable to all citizens at all times is recognized as one of the greatest societal challenges as reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals. The future global food system must be sustainable and resilient to meet the demands of a growing world population with finite natural resources on the planet and exacerbating climate changes. Scientific discoveries and technological innovations are sought for effective tools to address the challenges.
The convergence of sciences through interdisciplinary efforts across all disciplines is being pursued to look for systematic solutions. This Scientific Roundtable Discussion (SRD) will feature several thought leaders of our time on interdisciplinary approaches to advancing the sustainable and resilient global food system. The distinguished speakers will offer their latest thinking on the intricate relationship among various dimensions of the global food systems, the current frontiers of food and nutritional sciences including food processing and processed food, opportunities, and anticipated impacts of effective interdisciplinary research among food, nutrition, and social sciences, the trends of food and nutrition industrial development, and an outlook of a much-improved food system to meet the SDG demands.
IUFoST, in concerted efforts with IUNS, FAO, UNIDO, and WHO, brings in experts to deliberate and suggest the way forward through a productive exchange and discussion with the audience and those interested.
The Scientific Round Table discussion with the experts is scheduled to be held on March 28, 2024. You can register here.