Note From Academy President to Fellows regarding Awards and Nominations

8 December 2023

Dear IAFoST Colleagues,

We are at a point in the year when the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST) begins to raise its voice regarding outstanding achievements and honours through nominations for four significant honours in IUFoST.

The first, and most immediate in terms of timeline, is for your suggestions of Distinguished Lecturer for the IUFoST World Congress in Italy.   This is the foremost lecture of the world congress. Details are here, and we hope you will take the time to offer your recommendations.

The second is the biennial call for nominations of Fellows to IAFoST. The Nominations for the 2024 Class of Fellows closes on 31 December. We want to be sure to continue to include the best and brightest, most diverse leaders from all aspects of Food Science and Technology - academic/ government/industry/key organisations in related fields - to help steer our discipline forward in these challenging times.

The Young Researcher Award is the opportunity for us all to identify the young leaders in our midst and their outstanding work. Please consider nominations you may wish to make:

And lastly but no less important is to recognize an outstanding scientist and leader for lifetime achievement. Complete details and a list of the distinguished colleagues globally who have previously received this award are available here:

In closing, there is one more request of you today. Please feel free to offer your suggestions on plenary lecturers for the world congress based on the breakdown prepared by the Italian Association of Food Technology (AITA) Scientific Committee for the 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology to be held in Italy in September 2024. I include the website link for you to consider outstanding scientists and speakers you might like to offer as possible plenary speakers from all parts of the world in the following topic areas:

You may send your suggestions please to the IUFoST Secretariat Subject: Plenary Speakers and we will be sure to see that our congress colleagues  and the International Advisory Committee have this valuable information to inform their decisions. If you have ideas regarding pre-congress sponsored sessions, sponsorship in general, and also for our competitions, those of course would be welcome as well.

With my best wishes to you all,
Charles Aworh
President, International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST)