IUFoST News Brief January 2022


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In this issue: 

  • 21st World Congress of Food Science and Technology Scientific Programme - Abstracts Open                   
  • Congress Competitions - Industry, Young Scientists, Graduate, Under-graduate, Quiz Bowl and Rose Spiess Video Awards
  • IUFoST Early Career Scientists - Special Publication
  • Scientists and Science in the News
  • Events to note


PAPER SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW OPEN for the The 21st International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) World Congress.  https://papers.iufostworldcongress-singapore.com/ . This global meeting of Food Science and Technology and related disciplines will cover the latest advances in Food Science & Technology in a science-filled four days. Among the renowned scientists delivering plenary addresses is Dr. Joachim von Braun, Science Group Chair for the UN Food Systems Summit. We will be immersing ourselves in Food Safety, Food Security, Regulations, Innovations and Advancement in Food Processing, Impact of Industry 4.0, Food Engineering, Digital Transformation in Food Industry, Novel Food Products, Markets and Consumer Research. We will be looking at all these topics and much more, both in the region and around the world.  Congress website: https://www.iufostworldcongress-singapore.com/home

GO THE DISTANCE with the Congress Competitions: https://www.iufostworldcongress-singapore.com/p/competitions

Category Competitions
Industry (Through Adhering Bodies/Country Nomination) IUFoST Global Food Industry Awards 
Food Technologists / Practitioners (Individual Capacity) Food Sustainability Idea / Concept Development Competition (NEW)
Post-Doc / Scientists Young Scientist Awards 
Postgraduate Students Food Safety Without Borders Graduate Students Paper Competition 
Undergraduate Students
  1. Undergraduate Students Product Development Competition 
  2. Undergraduate Quiz Bowl Championship (NEW)
  3. IUFoST Rose Spiess Video Competition 



Following the successful completion of the 1st IUFoST/IAFoST-ECSS Symposium on Food Innovations for the SDGs,  IUFoST Early Career Scientists Executive Committee has been invited to  develop a special issue in Future Foods to continue these important discussions. Early Career Scientists are cordially invited to submit manuscripts that feature empirical studies and critical reviews covering a wide array of disciplines in food science that support any of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recommended topics include food processing, nutritional and health enhancements, food packaging and efficient resource use. Original research papers, review articles and short communications are welcome in this special issue.  Manuscript submission information:   https://www.editorialmanager.com/fufo/default1.aspx and, while selecting the article type, please select "VSI: Food Innovations for SDGs".  For further information contact the IUFoST Secretariat (secretariat@iufost.org) to reach Special Issue Guest Editors Elizabeth Arenas  and Chibuike Udenigwe.



For those of you who missed the December News Brief, we take great pleasure in announcing that the winners of the IUFoST Lifetime Achievement Award are Dr. Ruth Oniang'o, Kenya and Dr. Delia Rodriguez-Amaya, Brazil. (https://www.iufost.org/news/lifetime-achievement-award-announced ). We look forward to celebrating their extraordinary achievements throughout the year and at the World Congress in Singapore.   The Young Researcher of the year was awarded to Dr. Dominic Agyei, University of Otago, New Zealand.  We extend our congratulations to them all.

The December 2021 issue of the Journal of Food Bioactives featured a Meeting Report entitled The Power of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition for Sustainable Planet Health: Food Processing Saves Lives. To provide a balanced and scientifically based view, a two-day food conference was held on November 16 and 17, 2021 under the auspices of the International Science Council (ISC) by the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) and the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS). The conference discussed many issues related to food sustainability and safety including subjects "to clear up confusion and controversy about processed food and health. Read it here: DOI: https://doi.org/10.31665/JFB.2021.16286

The IUFoST Working Group on Emerging Issues In Education is just completing an in-depth examination of virtual learning through their "Survey: Inquiry about Remote Classes on Food Studies" that includes sections on How Teaching in Food Studies was affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic, and learning comparisons with pre-pandemic situations by regions; length of time mandatory classes and laboratories were stopped and an outline of different teaching methods used and their effectiveness globally.  This report will be available in the coming months.

GFORSS, (Global Food Regulatory Science Society), the newest of IUFoST disciplinary bodies, is launching a series of food safety capacity building webinars.  To kick off the series, GFORSS is organising two virtual events dedicated to food contact material assessment and regulatory management. These two events are planned for February 22 and February 24, 2022, 1st Event, Food Contact Materials – International Regulatory Framework,  and 2nd Event, Food Contact Materials Recycling – Regulations and Guidance. Programme details are available here https://www.iufost.org/sites/default/files/FCM02.22_%20E-Invitation_0.pdf  Registration link for Event 1:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lN2FftePTZub5spoMchFbg and the  Registration link for Event 2 : https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m1vZOl5tRxCdmCGKwAcUUg   

Other recent resources offered from IUFoST



GFORSS Food Safety Capacity Building Webinars (see above for registration details) 22 and 24 February 2022.

Food Innovation Asia Conference 2022. 16 - 18 June 2022. Theme: Innovative and Sustainable Development of Functional Ingredients and Materials: Benefits, Concerns and Challenges in Human Health and Well-Being. For information: https://www.fiac-thailand.com/Home/Home.aspx

20th ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology) Conference 2022.  Future Challenges for Cereal Science and Technology. New dates 5 - 7 July 2022Website:  https://www.icc-conference.com/