Healthy and Sustainable Food was the Subject of IUFoST Regional Grouping for Central and South America - ALACCTA - Scientific Roundtable Discussion on August 11 2021, from 11:00 to 13:00 GMT-3
Speakers: Dra Alejandra Medrao (Uruguay) - Sustainable development strategies for healthy eating
Dr. Marcel Cristianini Faculdad de Engenheria de Alimentos UNICAMP (Brazil) - The role of Emerging Technologies for Food Processing
Dr. Flavia Campos Corgosinho (Brazil) - Nutritional Genomics in Weight Loss
Dra. Pilar Buera (Argentina) - Food engineering contributions to the transition towards circular economics
Dra Dolore de Castillo (Spain) - Knowledge transfer from the Academy to the Industry for Sustainable Food and Health
Dr. Jesus Maria Porres Folquie, (Spain) - Functional Foods for the treatment of metabolic syndrome and colon cancer. Development and transfer experience.
Outcomes to follow.