Generative AI in Higher Education Survey

Dear colleague,

The IUFoST WG 1.2 Education – Emerging Issues, Key Focus Areas invites university teachers and students in the food studies field to participate in an important inquiry about the impact of advanced AI tools, such as Large Language Models (e.g., ChatGPT), on food studies higher education.

We kindly ask you to answer the following survey by clicking on the link below:

Generative AI in Higher Education Survey

The objective of this survey is to gather insights and feedback from individuals involved in higher education food studies to understand their experiences with generative AI tools in academic settings and to explore effective ways of integrating these technologies into higher education. Your responses will help shape future educational programs and contribute to the research field.

We would also kindly ask that you forward a copy of this email to other teachers and students who may be interested in this survey. Anonymous processing of the information is guaranteed.

The IUFoST WG 1.2 Education - Emerging Issues, Key Focus Areas acknowledges your valuable contribution till 25th June.


Thank you for your cooperation.

Warm regards,
Cristina LM Silva