Editorial series begins - IUFoST President talks about Food Systems Transformations and Sustainability

Responding to needs identified through the UN sustainable food system summit 2021, the Director General of FAO has established a Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) to provide independent advice in the implementation of food systems transformations at national, regional and global levels. Two IAFoST fellows, Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun of the University of Bonn and  IUFoST Distinguished Lecturer  at the 21st World Congress in  Singapore, and Prof. Dr. Aman Wirakartakusumah, IUFoST President, are invited members of SAC FAO. IUFoST President Aman Wirakartakusumah writes here about some of the challenges facing the sustainability and transformation of food systems and the invitation to IUFoST and IAFoST.

Many countries need assistance and innovation to successfully achieve the food system transformation that fits their local and regional situations. IUFoST through its adhering bodies and Academy and expert working groups around the world are invited to actively participate in these efforts. We should continue providing scientific advice through roundtable discussions, policy briefs and other channels as a direction for scientific exploration and technological innovation needed by countries and communities. Sound and independent scientific advice could be bridged to the needy, and partnership with other stakeholders and communities is the key to achieve transformations toward sustainable food systems.

Editorial  column Continues here
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