IUFoST News Brief - Focus on Congress Highlights
IUFoST 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Rimini, Italy, September 2024
The congress, held on the shores of the Adriatic in the fishing town of Rimini, unanimously proved to be an enormous success above all for the profound scientific content shared during this full immersion in the IUFoST World Food Congress attended by more than 1700 from 90+ nations around the world.
IUFoST extends its thanks and gratitude for the collaborations across disciplines, UN agencies, and with other global partners that were cemented at the congress. The participation and commitment to IUFoST of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), through Ali Badarneh; International Union of Nutritional Sciences, through Hyun Sook Kim; International Dairy Federation (IDF) through Piercristiano Brazzale; and Association of African Universities, through Olusola Oyewole contributed immensely to the congress. Hearing how regulatory affairs impact food safety and security from the 2024 IUFoST Distinguished Lecturer, Codex Chair Steve Wearne, and welcoming back Joachim von Braun, IUFoST distinguished lecturer of 2022 were two of the other major congress highlights.
The IUFoST Regional, Disciplinary, ongoing Working Groups presented leading-edge insights into work within national and regional borders and insights into the latest scientific advancements in food engineering, regulatory affairs, functional foods, nanotechnology, education and food safety. Issues and roadmaps for solutions through collaboration and the meeting of leading global scientists were in evidence throughout, with major presentations on food processing. Among other notable achievements, numerous publications are forthcoming as outcomes of this exceptional congress.
As expressed by Congress Chair Sebastiano Porretta in his closing remarks:
"We were privileged to attend enlightening presentations, participate in thought-provoking debates, and share experiences that cross geographical and cultural boundaries. This congress brought together brilliant minds from every corner of the world, all united by a common passion for advancing food science, critical to addressing the global food challenges that await us.
All the speakers are thanked for their outstanding contributions, which have enriched our understanding and stimulated new ideas. Sincere thanks also go to the moderators, volunteers and the entire organizing committee for their tireless work and dedication in making this event an undisputed success. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the young scientists and students who participated in the special competitions. Special recognition goes to our sponsors and partners, whose support was fundamental to the realization of this congress. Their belief in our mission and commitment to advancing food science was evident in every aspect of this event.
As we return to our respective communities and workplaces, we bring with us not only new knowledge and ideas, but also a renewed enthusiasm and determination to continue our pivotal work. The challenges we face are complex and demanding, but together, through collaboration and innovation, we can make a difference in ensuring a sustainable and secure food future for all. Remember, 13 of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are about food."
Youth Action in Addressing Future Food System Challenges
The pre-congress programme presented by the IUFoST College of Early Career Scientists set the bar high for the rest of the congress as Young Scientists and Entrepreneurs met together from all parts of the world to let us know what needs to be done to help them in their work to address future food system challenges. The priorities they discussed during the breakout sessions were compiled and presented by Dr. Elizabeth Arenas, Council of Early Career Scientists Chair at the IUFoST General Assembly for attention of and action by the Union.
Fellows Induction Ceremony
Academy President Dr. Charles Aworh and members of the Academy Executive Council presided over the Fellows Induction Ceremony to recognize the new Fellows of the Academy.
The Academy session was co-chaired by Dr. Aworh and Dr. Wirkartakusumah and featured the Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Steve Wearne, Codex Chair, and Dr. Fereidoon Shahidi, Lifetime Achievement Award Winner. That evening new and not so new Fellows celebrated together at a Rimini seaside restaurant together. (Pictured: Dr. Charles Aworh, Academy President, (2nd from left at front), Academy Council members and special guests Dr. Steve Wearne and Dr. Joachim von Braun.)
Meet the new Academy Fellows: https://iufost.org/academy/academy-fellows
Meetings of Members and IUFoST General Assembly
Friends and colleagues of IUFoST met together at the opening of the congress and joined working groups that met throughout the congress period to discuss key pillars of IUFoST work, priorities and action plans for the next five years. The outcomes of these working group meetings were presented by those involved at the IUFoST General Assembly. Next steps for the Union are continued refinement of its core goals as agreed by its members. One focus is on increasing the Union’s visibility regarding its unique strengths in global scientific expertise, including non-aligned policy advice to assist all levels of governance, through the IUFoST world body, to prepare and protect sustainable and safe food systems.
The next Meeting of Members is in June 2025, at which time the final work plan for 2025-2030 will be presented. Thank you to all involved in the IUFoST Working Groups during the Congress for your diligence despite so many calls on your time, and for your invaluable perspectives.
The IUFoST Governance system and election results for the Term 2024-2026 were ratified by the General Assembly on 12 September and IUFoST is honoured to present the distinguished leaders of IUFoST and IAFoST: https://iufost.org/news/iufost-governance-2024-2026
The General Assembly honoured the dedication to, and the achievements in IUFoST, of Dr. Ken Buckle (Australia), Dr. Felix Escher (Switzerland), Dr. Katsuyoshi Nishinari (Japan), Dr. Vish Prakash, (India) and Dr. Fereidoon Shahidi (Canada) during the proceedings.
Sponsors, Exhibitors and Competitions, Competitions, Competitions
We are proud to announce the IUFoST Competition Award Winners from the 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Italy. We recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of those who have pushed the boundaries of research, technology, and sustainable practices, shaping the future of our food systems.
- Industry. We welcomed the opportunity to award industries for innovation in numerous sectors for their outstanding work. In addition, we recognised industry involvement in shaping the congress programme in special sponsored sessions, in supporting the global panel chaired by Dr. Ian Noble and in the many exhibitors who were active congress participants.
- IUFoST Young Scientist Awards
- The IUFoST Rose Spiess Video Awards for a Sustainable Food Supply (see IUFoST You Tube channel below for winning videos)
- IUFoST Food Science Students: Undergraduate Product Development Competition
- IUFoST Food Sustainability Graduate paper competition – concept development
- IUFoST Food Safety Without Borders Graduate Student Paper Competition
- Quiz Bowl Competition
Our Congratulations to all. We had a wonderful time with you in Rimini.
Have a look at the Awards winners here: https://iufost.org/awards-and-honours/iufost-2024-competition-award-winners and stay tuned for more opportunities through IUFoST coming soon by joining us on: Facebook
Watch our IUFoST Rose Spiess Awards videos on YouTube here.
IUFoST Website: www.iufost.org, IUFoST Rimini Congress website: https://iufost2024-italy.com
IUFoST Events of Note:
9 - 11 October 2024, Vienna Austria
1st Vienna Sustainable Food Packaging ConFex (VSFP), Vienna International Centre.
Co-organised by the United Nations International Development Organization (UNIDO), International Atomic Energy Agency, the World Packaging Organization, FH Campus Wien and Packforce Austria.
Objective: To accelerate sustainable food packaging agenda ahead of COP30.
15 - 16 October 2024
63rd PAFT Annual Convention in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
HARMONY: Innovating Together, Advancing Tomorrow" at The Blue Leaf Cosmopolitan.
Contact: paftincconvention@gmail.com