News Brief March 2025 - The Recipe for Health

'The Recipe for Health: How Food Processing and Formulation Shape Nutritional Value' - SRD/Open Dialogue convened by EFFoST and IUFoST.

How does food processing impact the nutritional quality of what we eat? The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) and IUFoST bring together leading experts in nutrition and food science from around the world to explore the science behind food processing and to examine the role of formulation in balancing health benefits, taste, food safety and sustainability.

This Scientific Roundtable, the first in an Open Dialogue series, will present and discuss the work of the IUFoST Task Force - Food Processing for Nutrition, Diet and Health – to address and clarify the role of food processing and the uses of terms such as ultra-processed foods (UPF) in food classification systems.  We aim to engage consumers, industry, government, academia in evidence-based discussions on food processing, diet and health to pave the way for sustainable innovations in food processing and consumption.

To register click here.


Outcomes from 'Navigating the ultra-processed food debate: scientific insights and ASEAN perspectives'

presented by FIFSTA (Federation of Institute of Food Science and Technology of the ASEAN) and IUFoST on February 11, 2025.

VIDEO of Roundtable and speaker presentations, speaker profiles and overview, summary report here.

Send roundtable questions to, reference FIFSTA and responses will be posted for you and others to see in the IUFoST website Food Processing Forum.

Outcomes from 'Advancing Food Processing In Africa: Challenges, Innovations and Opportunities' 

presented by the Association of African Universities (AAU) and IUFoST, January 21, 2025:

VIDEO of Roundtable and speaker presentations, speaker profiles and overview, summary report here.

Send your questions/comments to, reference AAU and responses will be posted for you and others to see in the IUFoST website Food Processing Forum.

More to follow – watch these pages!


Expanding visibility in Codex through sound science

IUFoST would like to acknowledge the  contribution of a group of experts from the Global Food Regulatory Science Society (GFoRSS), the IUFoST Disciplinary Group for food regulatory science, in introducing and/or collaborating with member countries to introduce three papers at the meeting of the FAO/WHO Codex Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific (CCNASWP17): 

Agenda item 3: Update on the methods of analysis of scopoletin in noni fruit juice (submitted by Samoa, with the support of New Zealand, Australia and the IUFoST) – Paper developed in support of Samoa by Dr. Amine Kassouf and Prof. Samuel Godefroy – for this paper IUFoST/GFoRSS experts took the lead to develop the paper. 

Agenda item 4.1: Discussion paper on use of criteria for evaluation and prioritisation to resolve food safety and quality challenges, identified by the region. 

Paper developed by New-Zealand with support from Prof. Samuel Godefroy for IUFoST/GFoRSS - This paper was led by NZ with our input.

Agenda item 10: Discussion paper on traditional underground ground oven cooking in the South West Pacific: food safety considerations – Paper prepared to support Vanuatu by Dr. Silvia Dominguez (PARERA – ULAVAL/GFoRSS) and Prof. Samuel Godefroy - for this paper IUFoST/GFoRSS experts took the lead to develop the paper

This last paper may lead to a new area of work under CCNASWP with our possible continued leadership to promote hygienic conditions of food production with a focus on traditional methods of production. 

Work continues on presenting sound science to Codex through IUFoST comments related to Fresh Dates submitted by its disciplinary group the Global Food Regulatory Science Society (GFoRSS) and reviewed at the recent 23rd Codex Committee Session on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CCFFV23) , held in Mexico City from 25 February - 1 March. To read the comments click here.

The East African Business Council (EABC) and IUFoST co-hosted a side event at CCAfrica25 on Effective regulation through harmonization of Food additives standards in Arica: FAO/WHO Risk Assessment approach as a sound basis for regulatory and policy decisions, 30 January 2025.

You can watch it here.


'Use of Biotechnology to Develop Probiotics as Potential Food' is the latest in the series of Scientific Information Bulletins prepared by experts and approved by the IUFoST Scientific Council

This one addresses “the potential value of functional foods, their categories, global regulations associated with functional foods, and potential health benefits based on the current clinical evidence in humans. This discussion also provides a cursory introduction to emerging personalized and precision nutrition opportunities with their foundation in the nutrigenomics discipline.” IUFoST thanks authors Dr. Shriram Mahajan, Dr. Rashmita Dutta and Dr. Sanjay K. Banerjee for preparing this Bulletin.

Find the latest Scientific Information Bulletin here.


IUFoST joins Nobel and World Food Prize Laureates to call for urgent efforts to address global hunger

IUFoST is proud to join 153 Nobel and World Food Prize Laureates calling for urgent “moonshot” efforts to address global hunger. With the global population projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, ensuring food and nutrition security requires investment in agricultural research, scalable innovations, and cross-sector collaboration.

Learn more about this unprecedented wake-up call:


Dates in our calendar for March and April:

  • Japan: 8th IUFoST-Japan & JSoFF Joint Webinar on 'Food Factors and Their Wellness' / 9th IUFoST-Japan Webinar on 'Food Science & Technology: Inbound Tourism & Global Markets' - program and registration here.
  • Online Webinar – IUFoST/EFFoST Food Processing Scientific Roundtable on 'The Recipe for Health: How Food Processing and Formulation Shape Nutritional Value', Open Dialogue, 20 March 13.00 – 14.30 CET. Register here.
  • Korea:  Codex Committee on Food Additives, CCFA, Seoul, 24 – 28 March
  • Ireland: GFSI Meeting, Dublin, 31 March
  • Sultanate of Oman: 7th International Food Safety Conference,  'Towards Resilient and Dynamic Food Systems', 21- 23 April, programme and registration here.
  • China: 15th International Food Safety Forum co-rganised by IUFoST and CIFST, Beijing, 22 – 26 April. For information contact

National, Regional, Disciplinary Group meetings and congress dates in 2025June onwards - Confirmed IUFoST events

  • Singapore:  World Health Organization (WHO) and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) Joint workshop on 'New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in Future Food Safety Risk Assessment', facilitated by IUFoST and GFoRSS 18-20 June. For information and to register click here. 
  • France: IUNS/ICN (International Union of Nutritional Sciences) Congress, Paris, France 24 – 28 August, information here.
  • Vietnam: ISNFF (International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functions Foods) Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 14 – 17 September
  • China: 2nd Food First Summit, Xiamen, China, 18 – 20 September
  • Philippines: FIFSTA (Federation of Institutes of Food Science and Technology) conference, Davao City, Philippines 23 – 25 September. For information, abstract submissions and registration contact
  • Nigeria: WAAFoST (Western African Association of Food Science and Technology) and NIFST (Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology) Conference, Ilorin, Nigeria 24 – 28 October
  • Portugal: EFFoST (European Federation of Food Science and Technology) conference, Porto, Portugal, 17 – 19 November, Information, abstract submissions and registration here.


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