New IUFoST SIB: Biotechnology for Functional Foods

IUFoST Scientific Information Bulletin Addresses Food Science Issues

Use of Biotechnology to Develop Probiotics as Potential Functional Food

3 March 2025 - The International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) today released its latest Scientific Information Bulletin on Use of Biotechnology to Develop Probiotics as Potential Functional Food for the global food science and technology community represented by more than 300,000 food scientists, technologists, engineers and related social scientists worldwide working with IUFoST. This Scientific Information Bulletin (SIB) may be of interest to those serving in academia, industry, government, and development organizations.

“The concept of functional food came into existence to improve the nutritional quality of the diet beyond basic nutrition, thereby potentially reducing risks associated with noncommunicable diseases. This overview discusses the potential value of functional foods, their categories, global regulations associated with functional foods, and potential health benefits based on the current clinical evidence in humans. This discussion also provides a cursory introduction to emerging personalized and precision nutrition opportunities with their foundation in the nutrigenomics discipline.”

This SIB on Use of Biotechnology to Develop Probiotics as Potential Functional Food was prepared by Dr. Shriram Mahajan, Dr. Rashmita Dutta, Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Guwahati, India and corresponding author Dr. Sanjay K Banerjee, NIPER, Assam, India on behalf of, and approved by, the IUFoST Scientific Council. See author biographies on page 20 of the SIB.

This and the other titles in the series of IUFoST Scientific Information Bulletins are available online here.


ABOUT IUFoST - The International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), from its work in over 100 countries, is the global non-aligned scientific organization representing more than 300,000 scientists, engineers and technologists. IUFoST is a  member of ISC (International Science Council), elected by multi-disciplinary scientists as the worldwide union of Food Science and Technology. IUFoST represents food science and technology to many international organizations, including UNIDO, the World Bank, International Academies of Science, regulatory agencies, industry and national science bodies. IUFoST organizes world food congresses, among many other activities, to stimulate the ongoing exchange of knowledge and to develop strategies in scientific disciplines and technologies relating to the expansion, improvement, distribution and conservation of the world's food supply. It aims to harness and strengthen scientific understanding and expertise for the global good. IUFoST includes regional and disciplinary groupings to fulfil its mission.

IUFoST SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL 2024-2026 -  Dr. Lilia Ahrne (Chair), Dr. P.G. Rao (Chair elect) Dr. Hongda Chen (Past Chair), Dr. Roger Clemens and Dr. Hosahalli Ramaswamy (Councillors).

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