Congress countdown!
More than seven plenaries and over 100 scientific sessions - featuring cutting edge science inclusive of food processing, nutrition and health; strengthening food control systems, designing food for health, product development, packaging and marketing; capacity building through education, engineering food structures for gut health and nutrient delivery, digitalization of waste recovery, traditional foods for the future, food hygiene; new and alternative processes and technologies, alternative proteins, food ingredients and functional foods, research and innovation for sustainable, novel food sources, plant-based alternatives, skills development, the role of dairy processing; meat analogue – edible insects, food structuring, engineering, manufacturing and modelling, rheological, emulsion and colloid approach to control structure and texture, precision nutrition and food science strategies associated with long-covid and many many other solutions through a food science based approach in a sustainable food system.
- You will hear from Dr. Steve Wearne, Codex Chair and recipient of the Distinguished Lecturer award.
- Professor Joachim von Braun, UN Food Systems Summit scientific group chair will deliver a plenary on food processing industries in emerging economies and implications for science.
- Academy Fellow Dr. Stefan Palzer, EVP and Chief Technology Office of Nestle Global will present on AI and data science in innovation and manufacturing.
- International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) President elect Dr. H-S Kim of South Korea joins Dr. Ali Badarneh, Chief, Food Systems Division of the United Nations International Development Organization (UNIDO) and other panelists to discuss the need for food science together with nutritional science to improve public health.
- Dr. Ian Noble, Academy Fellow and Food Sector UK KTN Chair, Senior R&D Director, Mondelez International chairs a panel from Kerry Foods, PepsiCo, EIT Food and Institute of Chemical Technology India about the importance of partnership in transforming the food system.
- Communicating science and fulfilling research needs is another major congress panel discussion you won’t want to miss.
As well as these and other oral presentation highlights, there are more than 800 poster presentations to visit during the congress days.
And we remind you that there is still more in store:
On Sunday, September 8th, the programme begins with two pre-congress sessions one of which is for Early Career Scientists and organised by the IUFoST Council of Early Career Scientists. So far more than 100 participants are registered. There is still time to register and make sure you do not miss this opportunity to meet and network with other young scientists at the congress.
The Gala dinner on Tuesday, September 10th will feature the winners of the Global Food Industry Awards and Rose Spiess Video Award. Don’t miss this special occasion.
The Fellows induction ceremony is on Wednesday, August 11th beginning at 10.00 in which the Lifetime Achievement Award Winner. Dr. Fereidoon Shahid is honoured and the IUFoST Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Steve Wearne will provide a plenary.
Throughout the congress the Young Scientists chosen by the international jury to represent the finest in young science at this world congress will be speaking during various sessions. The Young Researcher award winner Dr. Lutz Grossman is also featured on Thursday, September 12th.
Last but not least to mention are all the undergraduate and graduate competitions underway during the congress with lots of excitement and competition. More than 40 undergraduate and graduate students are involved as finalists in the IUFoST competitions. We will be cheering them on and will be on hand to see them acknowledged and the winners to receive their trophies, awards, medals and certificates on Thursday, September 12th at the Awards Ceremony.
The final countdown to the 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology is on!
Introducing the new Fellows of IAFoST 2024
Our last News Brief introduced the second group of new Fellows to be inducted at the world congress in September. This Gallery begins with the third and last group of new Fellows who will be inducted in Rimini, Italy. You will have met all 25 through these pages by the time of the congress.
The International Academy (IAFoST) elected 25 new Fellows in this 14th class of outstanding food scientists and technologists.
These Fellows were elected from among many nominations by the International Academy and IUFoST Adhering Bodies, and they are acknowledged by their peers as outstanding representatives of international food science and technology. We continue with the gallery by introducing the last seven of our newly elected Fellows.
Rekha S. Singhal, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India |
Baoguo Sun, Chinese Academy of Engineering, President CIFST, China |
Dongziao Sun-Waterhouse, University of Auckland, School of Chemical Science, New Zealand |
Brijesh K Tiwari, Teagasc – Agriculture and Food Development Authority, Ireland |
Declan Troy, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ireland |
Jason Wan, Institute of Food Safety and Health, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA |
Jianping Wu, University of Alberta, Canada |
Young Scientists present to the global scientific community in Rimini
During the four days of the Congress, delegates will be hearing from the foremost scientists internationally in plenaries and in sessions. Intermingled with these plenaries will be a group of Young Scientists who warrant special attention. These are the Young Scientists who have been selected by international juries as representative of the best of young science and who will be providing their research highlights to the Congress delegates. Here are the chosen Young Scientists.
Riccardo De Flaviis, Italy. Presentation title: Prospecting the effect of global warming on wheat beer quality by a multi-omic approach
Dachuan Zhang, Switzerland. Presentation title: AI-driven Enzyme Discovery: Transforming the fight against food contaminants
Tianzi Yang, Canada. Presentation title: Advancing food safety and sustainability using innovations in analytical techniques and nanomaterials
Dyuh Wulandari, Indonesia. Presentation title: Synthetic biology platform of pet plastic degrading enzyme (PET-ase)
Raya Vijayakumar, India. Presentation title: Understanding food oral destructuring dynamics to develop structured food for dysphagia patients using food 3D printing
Linzhi Jing, Singapore. Presentation title: Prolamin-based microcarriers for culturing cell-based meat
Rifna Elenjikkal Jerome, Ireland. Presentation: Machine learning techniques for optimising chitin extraction from crab shells
Thomas Do, New Zealand. Presentation title: Effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and trypsin hydrolysis of protein bodies from hempseeds.
Lingjun Ma, China. Presentation Title: From Polyphenol to o-quinone: occurrence, significance, safety and health implications
IUFoST 2023 Young Researcher Award Winner Dr. Lutz Grossman from University of Massachusetts, USA, will be speaking about Developing New Production and Processing Approaches for Sustainable Proteins on Thursday, September 12th. Dr. Grossman then joins the interdisciplinary panel to discuss global research needs and scientific communications.
IUFoST Delegates and Invited Guests:
You are welcome to join us for an informal meet and greet on Sunday afternoon between 5 and 6 before the opening reception.
We will be sending you further details and look forward to seeing you there!
The IUFoST General Assembly begins immediately after the closing ceremonies for IUFoST Voting Delegates and Invited Guests.
A light lunch will be served. Final details are being sent in separate correspondence.
Academy Fellows and guests have only a few more days to confirm their attendance at the Fellows Dinner on Wednesday, September 11th. If you have not reserved yet, this must be done by Tuesday, August 27 through the IUFoST Secretariat (
See you soon in Rimini!