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Posts: 22
Threads: 11
Members: 159
Posts per day: 0.03
Threads per day: 0.01
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Posts per member: 0.14
Threads per member: 0.07
Replies per thread: 1
Newest Member: kontraktor
Members who have posted: 5.03%
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Most popular forum: General (7 posts, 3 threads)
Top referrer: Ahmed Alhussaini (2 referrals)

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Transformation and adaptation in FST curriculum (3 replies)
Research in food engineering for Industry X.0 (3 replies)
Sharing of teching materials (2 replies)
AI in student learning (1 replies)
Nutrition topics to train future professionals (1 replies)
Emerging topics in Food Microbiology (1 replies)
Possibility for international mobility (0 replies)
Code of conduct & guidelines (0 replies)
New Teaching Topics (0 replies)
Teaching FST within Asia (0 replies)
FST&E education offer (0 replies)
A Rising Star in Technology and Innovation. (0 replies)
Transformation and adaptation in FST curriculum (7,971 views)
Research in food engineering for Industry X.0 (7,325 views)
Sharing of teching materials (6,278 views)
AI in student learning (5,645 views)
Emerging topics in Food Microbiology (5,581 views)
Nutrition topics to train future professionals (4,172 views)
Code of conduct & guidelines (3,619 views)
Possibility for international mobility (2,998 views)
New Teaching Topics (2,727 views)
Teaching FST within Asia (2,511 views)
FST&E education offer (2,372 views)
A Rising Star in Technology and Innovation. (1,261 views)