IUFoST-FS-3: Food Safety - Foodborne Diseases

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Foodborne diseases are a worldwide problem, significantly affecting peoples health with economic consequences and represent therefore an important public health problem. Numerous outbreaks of foodborne diseases attract media attention and raise consumer concern.

It is certain that the problems related to food safety will increase in the 21st century especially as several global changes including population growth, poverty, international trade in food and animal feed continue to negatively influence the safety of food and drinking water.

As most foodborne disease cases are not report, the true dimension of the problem is unknown. The World Health Organization estimates that, worldwide, ‘thousands of millions of cases of foodborne disease occur every year resulting in human suffering and economic losses. Particularly at risk are children, pregnant women, the sick, the poor and the elderly.’

By the end of this module trainees should be able to, define food borne disease, list the different types of food borne diseases, give a simple description of the signs and sympotoms of food poisioning and foodborne infection and explain the prevention methods of foodborne diseases.

Course Content

  1. Introduction to Foodborne Diseases
  2. Definition of Food borne disease
  3. Food Poisoning
  4. Foodborne Infections
  5. Prevention of Food borne diseases
  6. Emerging Foodborne Diseases
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