03-10-2025, 03:59 PM
We are delighted that you all found (nearly 500 registrants) this Roundtable so scientifically meaningful and effective. Please stay tuned as we work on next steps of activity. You will find the VIDEO of the roundtable containing all the presentations and discussions from the Roundtable at the bottom of this message. We ask you to please be sure to acknowledge Association of African Universities (AAU) and IUFoST (International Union of Food Science and Technology) and the distinguished expert speakers in any and all communications around the content of this Roundtable. We would also appreciate receiving a copy of any such communications as we all continue to advance science-based communications globally. Send to secretariat@iufost.org. Here is the link to the Roundtable and VIDEO - thanks again everyone. Judith Meech, IUFoST Secretary-General